Export Chart

Last modified by Giang Tran on 2022/05/13 06:52



This activity allows you to export charts or graphs from a specified Excel file as images.


(* for mandatory)



  • Image Format (DropDownList)* - Select the file type that you want to save the exported chart/graph as. It contains 3 types: Png, Bmp and Jpg.
  • Name Contains (String)* - The name of the chart.
    E.g: “Chart sale”
  • Path to Save (String)* - Directory to save file.
    E.g: “C:\DestinationSaveFolderName\”
  • Sheet Name (String) - The name of the sheet that contains the chart you want to export.
    E.g: “SheetHasChartName”


  • Public (Checkbox) - Check if you want to public it. Remember to consider data security requirement before using it.
  • Display Name (String) - The name of this activity. You can edit the name of the activity to organize and structure your code better.
    E.g: Export Charts


  • Files (List< String >) - List of string that contains file names.

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Created by Giang Tran on 2022/05/05 06:44