
Last modified by admin on 2023/10/20 10:24



This activity allows you to make simple yes/no or true/false choice. There are two parts to this activity.
The first part of the statement is the condition (IF). After that there are 2 routes which consists of activities akaBot will run in case the statement is true (THEN) and activities to be executed if the statement is false (ELSE)


(* for Mandatory)

In the body of activity

  • Condition (Boolean)* - The condition you want to add for the execution
    E.g: varA=varB
    Then - You can add different activities for akaBot to execute if the condition is true
    Else - You can add different activities for akaBot to execute if the condition is false.



  • Display Name (String) - The name of this activity. You can edit the name of the activity to organize and structure your code better.
    E.g: [392071310] If
  • Public (Checkbox) - If you check it, the data of this activity will be shown in the log. Be careful, consider data security before using it.
  • Condition (Boolean)* - The condition to be executed before the one of the two branches.
    E.g: varA=varB