[1] Release Notes

Last modified by VuNH54 on 2023/09/08 14:41

RCA.Activities.Gsuite Version

This release brings more new activities:

1.  Sheets sub-package

  • Add Delete Column: Adds blank columns or removes existing columns from a specified sheet.
  • Add Delete Rows: Adds empty rows or removes existing rows from a specified sheet.
  • Add New Sheets: Creates a new sheet inside a specified Google spreadsheet
  • Append Row: Appends a row to an existing spreadsheet.
  • Auto Fill Range: Fulfills the auto-fill functionality from the Google Sheets user interface.
  • Clear Range: Uses the Microsoft Graph Clear range API to clear values, format, fill, border, etc. of a range from the specified sheet
  • Copy Paste Range: Copies and pastes a range of specified cells into a specified sheet. You can copy from sheet and paste into a different one, or copy and paste it within the same sheet.
  • Copy Sheet: Copies a sheet from a specified workbook and pastes it to another specified workbook. If no other workbook is specified, it is copied to the source file.
  • Delete Range: Uses the Microsoft Graph Clear range (when Shift is None) or Delete range (when Shift is Up or Left) API to delete a range of cell data (Range) from a specified workbook (Workbook) worksheet (SheetName).
  • Delete Sheet: Deletes the specified sheet from the specified spreadsheet.
  • Download spreadsheet: Download a copy of a Google spreadsheet file. 
  • Get Cell Color: Extracts the background color of a cell and saves it as a Color variable
  • Get sheets: Uses the Microsoft Graph Get worksheet API to retrieve and return an array of worksheets (Sheets) from a specified workbook (Workbook).
  • Read Cell: Reads the value of an Excel cell and stores it in a variable. Can only be used inside the Excel Application Scope or Use Excel File activities.
  • Read Column: Reads the values from a column beginning with the cell specified in the StartingCell property field, and stores them in an IEnumerable<Object> variable. 
  • Read Range: Reads and saves the information from a specified Excel workbook cell range for use in other activities, such as Write Range.
  • Read Row: Reads the values from a row beginning with the cell specified in the StartingCell field, and stores it in an IEnumerable<object> variable. 
  • Rename sheet: Renames a sheet in an Excel file
  • Write Cell: Enters a text or a formula in a cell. The activity can be used with an Excel file selected for a parent Use Excel File activity or with the Project Notebook.
  • Write Range: Writes a DataTable variable to a specified Excel workbook cell range.


 2.  Drive sub-package

Create New Spreadsheet: Creates a new spreadsheet in Google Drive.
