Copy File

Last modified by Nga Nguyen on 2022/05/16 03:25



This activity allows you to copy a file on Google Drive


(*For mandatory)

In the body of activity

  • ID of file to copy (String)* - ID of file to copy. String variables and String are supported.
  • ID of destination folder, or “root” (String)* - Destination of folder which file is copy. String variables and String are supported.



  • FileID (String)* - The ID of the file that you want to copy. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
  • New File Name (String) - The new name of the file that you want to copy. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.
  • New Parent ID (String) - The ID of the parent folder where you want to copy the file. This property supports String variables and string formatted values.


  • Public (Checkbox) - Check if you want to public it. Remember to consider data security requirement before using it.
  • Display Name (String) - The name of this activity. You can edit the name of the activity to organize and structure your code better.
    E.g: [185197651] Copy File


  • Result (String) - The ID of the copied file. This property supports String variables. You can use this variable as an input property value in other Google GSuite activities.