Wait Queue Item

Last modified by VuNH54 on 2023/04/20 17:15



This activity allows you to retrieve a queue item from a specified queue and stored it in a QueueItem variable. At run time, if the queue is empty, it sends a message to Center starting it is ready to receive a queue item and then wait for a new one to be added.


(* for mandatory)



  • Continue On Error (Boolean) - A Boolean variable has two possible values: True or False. True - allows the rest of the process to continue the execution even if an error occurs within the activity. False (default) - blocks the process from continuing the execution.
    Eg: True
  • Timeout MS (Int32)- The maximum amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to complete before an error is thrown. If the timeout expires, the activity will be terminated. Default value: 30000 (milliseconds).


  • QueueName (String) - The queue to which the new queue is added. String supported only.
    E.g: “Queue akaBot 1”
  • PollTimeMS (int) - The amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait for the activity to search for a new item again.


  • Public (Checkbox) - Check if you want to publicize it. Remember to consider data security requirements before using it.
  • Display Name (String) - The name of this activity. You can edit the name of the activity to organize and structure your code better.
    Eg: Wait Queue Item.


  • Result (QueueItem) - The retrieved queue item, is stored in a QueueItem variable.


  • Filter Strategy - You can filter data according to the reference. There are two options:
    ・Start with: Look for items whose references start with the value indicated in the reference field.
    ・Equals: looks for items whose references are the same as the value indicated in the reference field.
    The default value is: StartsWith
  • Reference (String) - Filters items based on their reference.

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