
adminが2022/04/24 04:58に最終更新

2件のうち1 - 2 ページ 1

Input Dialog (en)

DatPTが2023/04/12 18:03に最終更新
from instead of textbox. If set to contain only one element, a text box appears to write text. If set
if the input value should be treated as a password. Label (String) - The text to display as the label
) **- The text to display as the label of the form. E.g: "What is your favorite color?" * **Options (String[]) **- Provides an array of options to choose from instead of textbox. If set to contain only one element, a text box appears to write text. If set to contain 2 or 3 elements, they appear as radio button to select

Custom Activity (en)

adminが2023/04/27 18:24に最終更新
a custom activity: Writing the custom activity code. Package your activity Register the assembly (.dll
Platform. Write Activity Code To develop your custom activity, you will need to use Microsoft Visual
. You should see no error and there is an assembly file RCA.Activities.Demo.dll in build output
. Writing the custom activity code. 1. Package your activity 1. Register the assembly (.dll) to akaBot
Communication Foundation (WCF). NET framework 4.5.2. akaBot Platform. ))) == **Write Activity Code
see no error and there is an assembly file RCA.Activities.Demo.dll in build output directory
ページ 1
adminが2022/04/17 14:38に作成