
adminが2022/04/24 04:58に最終更新

7件のうち1 - 7 ページ 1

Delete Queue Items (en)

Nhan Nguyenが2022/05/13 03:19に最終更新
Center and it needs to edit, create and delete permissions on queue and delete permissions
RCA.Activities.Core.DeleteQueueItems Description This activity allows you to delete items
Queue Items activity to get all items that the user wants to delete and the value of this property
Delete Queue Items
Delete Queue Items
to edit, create and delete permissions on queue and delete permissions on transactions. [[image:image
" %) ((( RCA.Activities.Core.DeleteQueueItems == **Description** == This activity allows you to delete items in a specific queue. Notes
to use Get Queue Items activity to get all items that the user wants to delete and the value

[1] Overview (en)

adminが2023/10/03 12:07に最終更新
be: INVALID_LICENSE: when there is no quota to import files for this pipeline or the expiry date is over. When
to export it by clicking on the Export button. Akabot Vision supports some formats to export files such as CSV, XML, and JSON. When the file is exported, its status is switched to exported. Your volume license
of the imported document might be: * INVALID_LICENSE: when there is no quota to import files for this pipeline
to export files such as CSV, XML, and JSON. When the file is exported, its status is switched to exported
selected document or click delete button to delete selected document (Switching to Deleted status

[1.2] RPA Reference (en)

adminが2023/05/14 13:23に最終更新
ecosystem. When using these activities, you do not need to import files to akaBot Vision or export, change
key field of IDP Scope. Import Document To import files into the specified pipeline. There are 3 fields you need to focus on: File path: the file you want to import. Pipeline key: the pipeline
in the akaBot ecosystem. When using these activities, you do not need to import files to akaBot Vision
" %) ((( To import files into the specified pipeline. There are 3 fields you need to focus on: ))) * File path: the file you want to import. * Pipeline key: the pipeline that the file is imported to. The key is the ID

Backup and Upgrade (en)

adminが2022/08/25 14:50に最終更新
Tomcat service and delete the old version of "ROOT" folder. Step 6: Copy the file war ( latest
, CSS will be scoped Make sure you create a backup that contains 2 files from old version : application-dev.yml and application-prod.yml so you don't have to re-edit Step 3: Backup license file: Find
sure you create a backup that contains 2 files from old version : **application-dev.yml** and **application-prod.yml** so you don't have to re-edit * **Step 3: **Backup license file: Find the license.lic file via the directory below: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps\ROOT\WEB

Python Scope (en)

VuNH54が2023/04/20 11:43に最終更新
to that point are deleted. (* is mandatory) In the body of activity Do - The activities you want to execute within the activity. Properties Input Python Path (String)* - The path of the python file you want
are deleted. [[[[image:python scope.jpg]]>>attach:python scope.jpg]] (* is mandatory) == **In the body
** == **Input** * **Python Path (String)*** - The path of the python file you want to add. Eg: “C:/Python36

HTTP Client with Body Factory (en)

Nhan Nguyenが2022/05/13 03:16に最終更新
to be used when calling the API. The following HTTP verbs are supported: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD
(String) - Allow you to attach files to requests. Click the Ellipsis button to open the Attachments window and add all the required files. Body (String) - The body of the request. Body Format (String) - The format
are supported: **GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH** and **MERGE.** By default, the **GET** method
(String)** - Allow you to attach files to requests. Click the Ellipsis button to open the Attachments window and add all the required files. * **Body (String) **- The body of the request. * **Body Format

HTTP Client (en)

DatPTが2023/04/19 10:26に最終更新
calling the API. The following HTTP verbs are supported: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH
to is based on the OAuth2 authentication protocol. Options Attachments - Allow you to attach files to requests. Click the Ellipsis button to open the Attachments window and add all the required files. Body
. The following HTTP verbs are supported: **GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH** and **MERGE
** * **Attachments** - Allow you to attach files to requests. Click the Ellipsis button to open the Attachments window and add all the required files. * **Body (String)** - The body of the request. * **Body Format
ページ 1
adminが2022/04/17 14:38に作成