
adminが2022/04/24 04:58に最終更新

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Installation (en)

adminが2023/10/09 14:49に最終更新
execute permission: chmod +x setup.sh After running the above commands, the script will copy files
failed by following guidelines 4. Installation Process Download all files in latest releases version here Use MobaXterm to ssh to your remote server Upload the above files to your home directory
utf8_bin ; {{/code}} === **4. Installation Process** === * Download all files in latest releases version
-20230630133051-1.png]] * Use MobaXterm to ssh to your remote server * Upload the above files to your home directory. For example, ~~/dataservice * Change directory: cd ~~/dataservice * Set execute permission: chmod

[4] API resources (en)

adminが2023/09/06 09:47に最終更新
. 1. GetRolePermisson Get Resources permission collections. Supported methods: Get Parameters Name
form-data File multipart/form-data environmentIds form-data Array[long] application/json Response
, Abandoned, Retried, Deleted, Expired) Status of queue item, support filter multi value From DateTime Create
. GetRolePermisson**(%%) == Get Resources permission collections. Supported methods: Get Parameters |Name|Type
|Parameter Type|Type|Content Type |package|form-data|File|multipart/form-data |environmentIds|form-data|Array
|String(New, InProgress, Failed, Successful, Abandoned, Retried, Deleted, Expired)|Status of queue item

Backup and Upgrade (en)

adminが2022/08/25 14:50に最終更新
Tomcat service and delete the old version of "ROOT" folder. Step 6: Copy the file war ( latest
, CSS will be scoped Make sure you create a backup that contains 2 files from old version : application-dev.yml and application-prod.yml so you don't have to re-edit Step 3: Backup license file: Find
sure you create a backup that contains 2 files from old version : **application-dev.yml** and **application-prod.yml** so you don't have to re-edit * **Step 3: **Backup license file: Find the license.lic file via the directory below: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\webapps\ROOT\WEB

Custom Activity (en)

adminが2023/04/27 18:24に最終更新
Delete. Click OK to confirm. Choose Add New Item from the Project menu. In the Installed > Common Items
. You should see no error and there is an assembly file RCA.Activities.Demo.dll in build output
Download nuget.exe from https://dist.nuget.org/win-x86-commandline/latest/nuget.exe Generate .nupkg file
and then click OK. 1. Right-click Activity1.xaml in Solution Explorer and choose Delete. Click OK to confirm. 1
see no error and there is an assembly file RCA.Activities.Demo.dll in build output directory
/nuget.exe]] 1. Generate .nupkg file * Open command prompt at your project folder [[image:image

[3] How to use Desktop Trigger (en)

adminが2023/06/03 08:48に最終更新
/ Delete trigger Choose a trigger at the table below, then click this button to enable/disable/delete
, type, description Create a new trigger 1. Create a File trigger Step 1: At the home screen, click the "New Trigger" button. The list of trigger types will be shown as below: Step 2: Choose the File
/ Delete trigger**|(% style="width:816px" %)Choose a trigger at the table below, then click this button to enable/disable/delete a trigger |4|(% style="width:264px" %)**Refresh**|(% style="width:816px" %)Refresh
of created triggers by status, name, type, description == **Create a new trigger** == === 1. Create a File

[1] Overview (en)

adminが2023/10/03 12:07に最終更新
be: INVALID_LICENSE: when there is no quota to import files for this pipeline or the expiry date is over. When
to export it by clicking on the Export button. Akabot Vision supports some formats to export files such as CSV, XML, and JSON. When the file is exported, its status is switched to exported. Your volume license
of the imported document might be: * INVALID_LICENSE: when there is no quota to import files for this pipeline
to export files such as CSV, XML, and JSON. When the file is exported, its status is switched to exported
selected document or click delete button to delete selected document (Switching to Deleted status

[1.2] API Reference (en)

adminが2023/04/10 17:45に最終更新
(token and files need to be uploaded) to IDP Server then IDP Server will respond the documentIds
with the input parameters (token, documentId that need to be extracted and file format that user wants to export
into akaBot Vision using the REST API. Supported file formats are PDF, PNG, JPEG. URL: {serverEndpoint}/api
:#e74c3c" %) (% style="color:#000000" %)and sending request information (token and files need
]]** **to IDP Server with the input parameters (token, documentId that need to be extracted and file format
: Documents can be imported into akaBot Vision using the REST API. Supported file formats are PDF, PNG, JPEG

[1.2] RPA Reference (en)

adminが2023/05/14 13:23に最終更新
ecosystem. When using these activities, you do not need to import files to akaBot Vision or export, change
key field of IDP Scope. Import Document To import files into the specified pipeline. There are 3 fields you need to focus on: File path: the file you want to import. Pipeline key: the pipeline
in the akaBot ecosystem. When using these activities, you do not need to import files to akaBot Vision
" %) ((( To import files into the specified pipeline. There are 3 fields you need to focus on: ))) * File path: the file you want to import. * Pipeline key: the pipeline that the file is imported to. The key is the ID

[5] Queue (en)

adminが2023/07/04 15:48に最終更新
: Edit: allows you to edit the details of each Queue Delete: allows you to remove selected Queue from Center. By selecting the Checkbox corresponding to each Queue, the delete option will appear beside the Filter option and allow you to delete the Queue. ! Selecting the Checkbox next to Action will select all
the details of each Queue Delete: allows you to remove selected Queue from Center. By selecting the Checkbox corresponding to each Queue, the delete option will appear beside the Filter option and allow you to delete
delete selected ones. |2|Name|Mandatory. The name of the queue. |3|Description|Mandatory. The description

[2] Role Management (en)

adminが2023/07/04 16:25に最終更新
akaBot incorporates a role and permission-based access-control framework. Roles are sets of permission, which means that the permissions required to access and control specific Center resources are assigned to roles. In other words, Users were not given permission to certain resources but will get
="wikigeneratedid" id="H" %) akaBot incorporates a role and permission-based access-control framework. Roles are sets of permission, which means that the permissions required to access and control specific Center resources are assigned to roles. In other words, Users were not given permission to certain resources
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