Search: get-web-attribute-1

Last modified by admin on 2022/04/24 04:58

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Get Attribute

Last modified by DatPT on 2023/04/19 12:58
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to organize and structure your code better. E.g: [3424325] Get Attribute Output Result (Object) - The value
of a specified attribute of an UI element. (* is mandatory) In the body of activity Indicate on screen
) to specify the location of that element. Text (String)* - The name of the attribute to be retrieved
Get Attribute
Get Attribute
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" %) ((( RCA.Activities.Common.GetAttribute == **Description** == This activity is used to retrieve the value of a specified attribute of an UI element. [[image:image-20230419124053-1.png]] (* is mandatory) == **In the body of activity
of the attribute to be retrieved. This field supports only strings. == **Properties** == **Common** * **Continue


Last modified by DatPT on 2023/04/19 12:09
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Attach Browser Close Browser Close Tab Extract Structured Data Go Back Go Forward Inject Javascript Navigate To Open Browser Refresh Set Web Attribute Wait Page Load Complete Wait Page Url Wait Web Attribute Wait Web Title
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/Activities/Common%20Browser/Activities/Refresh/]] * [[Set Web Attribute>>url:
Web Attribute>>url:]] * [[Wait Web Title>>url:

[2] About Activities Packages

Last modified by DatPT on 2023/04/12 16:57
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With the pre-installed packages, we can use a certain number of activities related to Window application, Web
steps explain how to add more packages and customize the list of activities: Step 1: Open akaBot Studio
 button located in the top ribbon. Installing a Package Step 1: Click the All Packages option
[1] Introduction
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a certain number of activities related to Window application, Web browser or Excel. But if we want
and customize the list of activities: **Step 1:** Open **akaBot Studio** and create a new **Process**. **Step
"]] == **Installing a Package** == **Step 1:** Click the **All Packages** option and type in the **Search** bar

HTTP Client

Last modified by DatPT on 2023/04/19 10:26
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Description This HTTP Client activity enables you to perform HTTP requests to a specified web API
Accepted Format (Dropdown List) - The format in which to receive the web server's response. The following
calling the API. The following HTTP verbs are supported: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH
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** == This HTTP Client activity enables you to perform HTTP requests to a specified web API. [[[[image:HTTP
to receive the web server's response. The following options are supported: ・ANY (default value) ・XML ・JSON
. The following HTTP verbs are supported: **GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, PATCH** and **MERGE

Get Position

Last modified by DatPT on 2023/04/19 13:01
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a particular UI element when the activity is executed. It is actually a XML fragment specifying attributes
to organize and structure your code better. E.g: [3424325] Get Position Options Rectangle (Rectangle
Get Position
Get Position
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. [[image:image-20230419125632-1.png]] (* is mandatory) == **In the body of activity** == * **Indicate
element when the activity is executed. It is actually a XML fragment specifying attributes of the GUI
. You can edit the name of the activity to organize and structure your code better. E.g: [3424325] Get

[2] How to use akaBot Agent

Last modified by DatPT on 2023/04/14 10:04
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Center. Get processes from akaBot Center or akaBot Studio. Control the processes by running/stopping
to get access to the Bot Center, you need to firstly configure the proxy setting to open the connection by performing below steps: Step 1: In Settings screen ( if in the List Workflows screen then select Settings
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akaBot Agent** == To operate a bot, you need to follow below actions: 1. Configure network setting to open connection to the akaBot Center if needed. 1. Configure bot setting & connect to akaBot Center. 1. Get processes from akaBot Center or akaBot Studio. 1. Control the processes by running/stopping

Wait Attribute

Last modified by DatPT on 2023/04/19 12:58
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of the specified UI element's attribute to be equal to an object. (* is mandatory) In the body of activity Attribute Name (String)* - The name of the attribute to be retrieved. This field supports only strings. Attribute Value (String)* - The expected value of the attribute. Properties Common Continue On Error
Wait Attribute
Wait Attribute
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attribute to be equal to an object. [[image:image-20230419124551-1.png]] (* is mandatory) == **In the body of activity** == * **Attribute Name (String)* **- The name of the attribute to be retrieved. This field supports only strings. * **Attribute Value (String)* **- The expected value of the attribute

Get OCR Text

Last modified by DatPT on 2023/04/14 14:44
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RCA.Activities.Core.GetOCRText Description This activity allows you to get text from a UI element
. (* for Mandatory) In the body of activity Take a Screenshot – The Image Selector. You can get a screenshot
of the activity to organize and structure your code better. E.g: [586133740] Get OCR Text Options Confident
Get OCR Text
[1] Core Activities
Get OCR Text
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" %) ((( RCA.Activities.Core.GetOCRText == **Description** == This activity allows you to get text from a UI element or image using
-20220513104515-1.png]] (* for Mandatory) == **In the body of activity** == * **Take a Screenshot** – The Image Selector. You can get a screenshot by clicking to this option. Text will be extracted using

Get Agent Credential

Last modified by DatPT on 2023/04/17 10:28
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RCA.Core.Activities.GetAgentCredential Description This activity allows you to get a specified akaBot Center credential by using a provided Asset Name and returns a username and a secure password
. E.g: Get Agent Credential Output Password (SecureString) – The secure password of the retrieved
Get Agent Credential
Get Agent Credential
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" %) ((( RCA.Core.Activities.GetAgentCredential == **Description** == This activity allows you to get a specified akaBot Center credential
-1.png]] (* for Mandatory) == **Properties** == **Common** * **Continue On Error (Boolean
edit the name of the activity to organize and structure your code better. E.g: Get Agent Credential

Type Secure Text

Last modified by DatPT on 2023/04/19 12:57
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is executed. It is actually a XML fragment specifying attributes of the GUI element you are looking
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. [[image:image-20230419123015-1.png]] (* is mandatory) == **In the body of activity** == * **Indicate
. It is actually a XML fragment specifying attributes of the GUI element you are looking for and of some of its
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Created by admin on 2022/04/17 14:38