
adminが2022/04/24 04:58に最終更新

6件のうち1 - 6 ページ 1

Execute SOQL (en)

adminが2024/05/08 14:58に最終更新
. Output Result - The result of running the SOQL command in Salesforce, stored in a DataTable variable. Only Data Table variable supported. Salesforce Status – The status returned from Salesforce once
, the values of variables and arguments will be logged at Verbose level. **Output** * **Result** - The result of running the SOQL command in Salesforce, stored in a DataTable variable. Only Data Table variable supported

Input Dialog (en)

DatPTが2023/04/12 18:03に最終更新
(CheckBox) - If you check it, the data of this activity will be shown in the log. Be careful, consider data
on top of all other windows. Output Result (String) - The value inserted by the user in the input
) **- The title of the dialog. E.g: "Color Picker" **Misc** * **Public (CheckBox)** - If you check it, the data of this activity will be shown in the log. Be careful, consider data security before using it. * **Display Name
windows. **Output** * **Result (String)** - The value inserted by the user in the input dialog stored

Read Status Bar (en)

adminが2024/05/07 11:23に最終更新
 - If selected, the values of variables and arguments will be logged at Verbose level. Output Message Data – Used to store the data from the status of message in a variable. Only String Array variables supported
of variables and arguments will be logged at Verbose level. **Output** * **Message Data **– Used to store the data from the status of message in a variable. Only String Array variables supported. * **Message ID

Custom Activity (en)

adminが2023/04/27 18:24に最終更新
. You should see no error and there is an assembly file RCA.Activities.Demo.dll in build output
nuget.exe file is placed). Open created .nuspec file, remove all example data and input at least Author
see no error and there is an assembly file RCA.Activities.Demo.dll in build output directory
%** is the directory where **nuget.exe** file is placed). * Open created **.nuspec** file, remove all example data
" %) ((( Table of Content ))) {{toc depth="4" start="2"/}} ))) #end {{/velocity}} )))

HTTP Client with Body Factory (en)

Nhan Nguyenが2022/05/13 03:16に最終更新
* - Indicates that the line added is a fragment or the URL provided in the Endpoint field Output Result
” Misc Public (Checkbox) - Check if you want to publicize it. Remember to consider data security
or the URL provided in the Endpoint field **Output** * **Result (String)*** - The response received
” **Misc** * **Public (Checkbox)** - Check if you want to publicize it. Remember to consider data
}} #if ($xcontext.action != 'export') (% class="akb-toc" %) ((( (% class="akb-toc-title" %) ((( Table of Content

HTTP Client (en)

DatPTが2023/04/19 10:26に最終更新
] Http Client Public (Checkbox) - Check if you want to publicize it. Remember to consider data security
in the Endpoint field Output Result (String) - The response received from the HTTP request, as a string variable
data security requirements before using it. **OAuth1** * **Consumer Key (String)** - The consumer key
**Output** * **Result (String)** - The response received from the HTTP request, as a string variable
" %) ((( Table of Content ))) {{toc depth="4" start="2"/}} ))) #end {{/velocity}} )))
ページ 1
adminが2022/04/17 14:38に作成