
adminが2022/04/24 04:58に最終更新

8件のうち1 - 8 ページ 1

Replace Text (en)

VuNH54が2023/04/21 11:00に最終更新
) - Input text or keyword to be replaced. Only String variables and strings are supported. Replace with (String) - Input text or keyword to replace with. Only String variables and strings are supported
. False (default): blocks the process from continuing the execution. Input Replace (String)- Input text
Replace Text
Replace Text
** * **Search for (String) **- Input text or keyword to be replaced. Only String variables and strings are supported. * **Replace with (String) **- Input text or keyword to replace with. Only String variables
the execution. **Input** * **Replace (String)**- Input text or keyword to replace the searched strings

Replace Picture (en)

VuNH54が2023/04/21 11:27に最終更新
in a Word document with another specified picture. The picture to replace is identified by its Alt Text
of activity Find picture with 'Alt Text' - All pictures with this Alt Text will be replaced. Case insensitive. Text must be quoted. Replace with picture - Path to the replacement picture. Text must be quoted
Replace Picture
Replace Picture
' **- All pictures with this Alt Text will be replaced. Case insensitive. Text must be quoted. * **Replace with picture **- Path to the replacement picture. Text must be quoted. == **Properties** == **Input** * **Find picture with Alt Text(String) **- The Alt Text of the picture to replace. * **Replace

Execute Query (en)

VuNH54が2023/04/19 15:41に最終更新
the parameterName will be replaced with its value from the dictionary. SQL Query (String)* - SQL command
Command Type - Specifies how a command string is interpreted. The following options are available: ・Text
the parameterName will be replaced with its value from the dictionary. * **SQL Query (String)*** - SQL command
* **Command Type** - Specifies how a command string is interpreted. The following options are available: ・Text

Execute Non Query (en)

VuNH54が2023/04/19 15:39に最終更新
the '@parameterName' statement in the SQL command. At runtime, the parameterName will be replaced with its value from
is interpreted. The following options are available: ・Text - Executes the query given in the SQL parameter
, the parameterName will be replaced with its value from the dictionary. * **SQL Query (String)***- SQL command
are available: ・Text - Executes the query given in the SQL parameter. ・StoredProcedure - Invokes the procedure

[4] Assets (en)

adminが2023/09/18 18:18に最終更新
are available: Text - assets that can store string values. This is the default option. Bool - assets that can
select this option the Value field is replaced by two others: Username and Password. 4 Value The value
options are available: //**Text** - assets that can store string values. This is the default option
** - assets that can store credentials. If you select this option the **Value** field is replaced by two


adminが2023/10/16 16:58に最終更新
.nodeType === 3) { const text = from.textContent; if (testPattern.test(text)) { from.textContent = text.replace(testPattern, "").trim(); } } else if (from.childNodes) { for (const
) { replaceNodeText(pageTitle); document.title = document.title.replace(testPattern, "").trim
; line-height: 34px; text-align: center; color: #565656; } .akb-home .akb-banner .akb-title .akb
> <div class="akb-search-wrapper"> <input type="text" autocomplete="off
"> <div class="akb-card-title">Overview</div> <div class="akb-card-text"> Get to know
-text"> The latest updates from our releases </div> </div> <div

image-20220506111907-1.png 1.1

Nhan Nguyenが2022/05/06 04:19にアップロードしました(26.9 KB)
種類 image/png のファイル
Replace Text


adminが2023/10/17 15:33に最終更新
Replace Text
ページ 1
adminが2022/04/17 14:38に作成