
adminが2022/04/24 04:58に最終更新

2件のうち1 - 2 ページ 1

Center Installation Guide For High Availability Model on Windows Server (en)

adminが2024/02/02 17:45に最終更新
to complete the installation. The installation path for Apache Tomcat: %TOMCAT_PATH% = “C:\Program Files
and wait for the ROOT.war to be extracted into the ROOT directory. Step 5: Stop the Apache Tomcat
” DONE!!! You have successfully completed the akaBot Center installation and configuration in High
" - Click the "Finish" button to complete the installation. [[image:https://docs.akabot.com/bin/download
/1698831956427-192.png?rev=1.1||alt="1698831956427-192.png"]] Step 4: Restart the Apache Tomcat service and wait
="font-size:20px" %)You have successfully completed the akaBot Center installation and configuration

Center Installation Guide For High Availability Model on Redhat v9.x (en)

adminが2024/05/03 15:59に最終更新
~/apps sudo cp akaBot-center- /opt/tomcat/webapps/ROOT.war 4. Start Tomcat service and wait
” DONE!!! You have successfully completed the akaBot Center installation and configuration in High
:40px" %) 4. Start Tomcat service and wait for Tomcat running to extract the file ROOT.war out to ROOT
ページ 1
adminが2022/04/17 14:38に作成