Search: for-each-row

Last modified by admin on 2022/04/24 04:58

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Last modified by admin on 2022/04/17 14:38
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) #set ($section = 'XWiki.Extensions') #if (!$xwiki.exists($section)) ## Support for pre-9.2RC1
@notifications.png' }]) {{/velocity}} {{velocity}} {{html clean="false"}} <div class="row"> #foreach ($card in
find out more about their functionality.</p> <div class="row"> #foreach ($card in $exampleCards

[05]For Each

Last modified by admin on 2023/10/20 10:21
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)*- Iterate through the data and process each piece of information individually. Able to input variable
to organize and structure your code better. E.g: [389861710] For Each < T > Public (Checkbox) - If you check
[05]For Each
[05]For Each
Raw document content
) == **Properties** == **Input** * **Values (IEnumerable)***- Iterate through the data and process each piece
. E.g: [389861710] For Each < T > * **Public (Checkbox)** - If you check it, the data of this activity
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Created by admin on 2022/04/17 14:38