Insights data model

Last modified by admin on 2024/02/16 09:35

This page details the Task (Job), Workflow, Queue, and Robot (Agent) data that Insights ingests. 




Workflow Version 

The version number of the workflow the task belongs to. 

Agent Id

The row ID of the Agent that executed the job. 

Job Id 

The row ID of the job event in the Center database 

Job State 

The status of the job.

Insights only ingest terminal states (i.e. successful, stopped, and faulted) 

Start Time 

The time when execution of the job began. 

End Time 

The time when execution of the job is finished. 

Job Source 

The triggering event for job execution.

Workflow ID 

The row ID of the workflow. 


The row ID of the organization unit in the Center database.



Faulted Jobs

The number of jobs with the Faulted status. 

Faulted Rate 

The % of jobs with the Faulted status compared to the total number of jobs. 

Workflows Ran 

The number of workflows that have reached a final status of Successful, Faulted, or Stopped. 

Success Rate 

The % of jobs with the Successful status compared to the total number of jobs.

Successful Jobs 

The number of jobs with the Successful status. 

Total Run Time in hours

The total processing time of all jobs in hours. 




Workflow Id

The row ID of the workflow. 

Workflow Name

The name of workflow.


The version number of the workflow the task belongs to. 

Package Id

The row ID of the package containing the workflow.
Environment IdThe numerical identifier of the environment. 

Created By

The name of the user that created the workflow.  

Created Date

The time the workflow was created.


The row ID of the organization unit in the Center database.



Workflow Count

The number of workflows




Queue Item Id 

The auto-incremented row ID of the queue item in the Center database. 

Queue Id 

The row ID of the queue 

Processing Status 

The status of the queue item. The available options are: 

  • New
  • In Progress
  • Successful 
  • Failed 
  • Abandoned 

Robot Id

The row ID of the robot that processed the queue item. 

Created Date 

The time the queue item was created. 

Start Time

The time the agent began processing the queue item. 

End Time 

The time the agent finished processing the queue item. 


The latest date and time which the queue item must be processed by. If empty, it can be processed at any time. 


Custom progress information for queue items with status InProgress. 

Specific Data 

A collection of key-value pairs containing custom data associated with the transaction. 

Analytics Data 

A collection of key-value pairs containing custom data for analytics purposes associated with the transaction. 

Output Data

A collection of key-value pairs containing custom data upon successful processing associated with the transaction. 


The type of exception thrown when processing fails. The available exception types are: 

  • ApplicationException 
  • BusinessException 

Exception Reason 

The details of the exception thrown when processing fails. 

OU Id 

The numerical identifier of the Organization Unit. 



Avg Queue Wait Time in Seconds 

How long it takes, on average, between when all queue items were created and when a agent started processing them. 

Queue Count 

The number of queues with data processed. 

Queue Item Count 

The number of queue items processed. 





The numerical identifier of the Agent in the Center database. 

Machine Id 

The numerical identifier of the machine. 

Machine Name 

The Machine Name. 

Created By 

The name of the user that created the agent. 

Created DateThe time the agent was created.

Agent Name 

The name of the agent. 

Robot Version

The version of the agent.

OU Id 

The numerical identifier of the Organization Unit. 

Environment Id

The numerical identifier of the environment. 



Robot Count

The number of agents

Robot RuntimeThe total running time of all agents in hours. 
Avg Robot Runtime per DayHow long it takes, on average, between when all robots were run in a day.