Data Fields Extracted by the Generic AI Engine

Last modified by Nhan Nguyen on 2022/05/06 09:41


AkaBot Vision Generic AI Engine has been pre-trained to recognize data fields in invoices and purchase orders. You can use this engine to automate your AP process without any complex training procedures. The engine also supports most standard invoicing fields.

The tables below contain the full list of standard data fields the Generic AI Engine can extract.

Data Field Description

Data FieldDescription
Seller NameName of seller
Seller AddressAddress of the seller
Seller Tax NoTax identification number of the seller
General Model NoInvoice form number
General NotationInvoice serial number
General Invoice NoInvoice number
Buyer NameName of the customer
Buyer Company NameAddress of the customer
Buyer Tax NoTax identification number of the customer
Buyer AddressAddress of the customer
Item NameLine item description. Can be multi-line with details.
Amount No TaxSubtotal of all items, without including tax
Tax AmountSum of taxes for items with the same tax rate
Amount With TaxSubtotal of all items, including tax
Digital Signature CompanyDigital Signature company name
Digital SignatureCode that acts as signature
Digital Signature DateDate of the digital Signature was made
Lookup LinkLink to look up invoice information on the website
Invoice Release DateDate of Invoice was released
Lookup CodeCode able to look up invoice information on the website
TableInformation about line items in the table