Making Fields in akaBot Vision Required

Last modified by Nhan Nguyen on 2022/05/06 09:43

When capturing fields in akaBot Vision you often want your users to always capture value for a specific field. In such cases, akaBot Vision should enforce capturing of such a field by showing a specific message to the user.

This is already possible in the akaBot Vision’s validation screen and in this article you will find out how set the fields to be required in the Extraction schema editor.

Making header fields required

In order to make a header field required you should:

  • Navigate to the given queue in the pipeline settings
  • Click on the pipeline detail
  • Open the Field to capture tab
  • Click Edit button on the field you would like to make required
  • Set required field is on



Once the Extraction schema would be saved, you should be seeing the following message on the validation screen if no value is captured and the error message will be blocking the confirmation of the document.


Making line items fields required

Of course, even fields in line items can be set as required. Follow the same steps as when making the header fields required.




After saving the Extraction schema you should be seeing the message for the required fields with no captured value.