Retry Scope

Last modified by DatPT on 2023/04/17 14:59



This activity allows to retry to execute a set of activities based on a condition for a number of times. This activity only ends if the condition is fulfill OR the number of retries is reached (which ends with an exception).


(* for mandatory)

In the body of the activity

  • Action - a set of activities which need to be executed
  • Condition - only accepts activity Check True/ Check False. If the condition is met, this activity Retry Scope is successfully executed. If not, the set of activities inside Action will be retried to be processed again.



  • Continue On Error (Boolean) - A Boolean variable has two possible values: True or False. True: allows the rest of the process to continue the execution even an error occurs within the activity. False (default): blocks the process from continuing the execution.

    E.g: True


  • Number of Retries (Int32) - How many times the activities in Action are processed in case of error. Default value is 3, blank is equivalent to 0, meaning the whole Retry Scope is skipped.
  • Retry Interval (TimeSpan) - The amount of time you want to wait before retrying the execution. The format is hh:mm:ss.
    E.g: 00:00:05


  • Display Name (String) - The name of this activity. You can edit the name of the activity to organize and structure your code better.
    E.g: Retry Scope
  • Public (Checkbox) - If you check it, the data of this activity will be shown in the log. Be careful, consider data security before using it.