
adminが2022/04/24 04:58に最終更新

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[1] About Data Service (en)

adminが2023/12/21 22:15に最終更新
DR Data Center. Queue 02 (tùy chọn nếu cần HA Queue) Sử dụng để thực hiện chức năng Queue trên akaBot Center (ActiveMQ) Trong trường hợp HA Queue, 2 Queue sẽ được kết nối đến cùng Database hoặc Share file Storage để đảm bảo dữ liệu queue. Có thể thay thế bằng hệ thống Queue có sẵn của ACB nếu có

[4] API resources (en)

adminが2023/09/06 09:47に最終更新
, Abandoned, Retried, Deleted, Expired) Status of queue item, support filter multi value From DateTime Create
: 30. AddQueueItem Adds a queue item. HTTP method: Post Parameters Name Type Description queueName
Queue collections. Supported methods: Get Parameters Name Type Required Description name Long False
|String(New, InProgress, Failed, Successful, Abandoned, Retried, Deleted, Expired)|Status of queue item
-20230307144502-126.png]] == (% style="color:#000000" %)**30. AddQueueItem**(%%) == Adds a queue item. HTTP
:#000000" %)**27. GetQueue**(%%) == Get Queue collections. Supported methods: Get Parameters |Name|Type

[5] Queue (en)

adminが2023/07/04 15:48に最終更新
Queue in simple terms is a container that holds a set of items that you want to be processed by akaBot Agents. Queue items can store different types of data, such as customer details. This information
by default. To populate queues with items, to change their status and process them, you have to use Studio
[5] Queue
[5] Queue
" id="H1.CenterOverview" %) A **Queue** in simple terms is a container that holds a set of items that you want to be processed by akaBot Agents. Queue items can store different types of data
in **akaBot Center** are empty by default. To populate queues with items, to change their status and process

For Team IT-Operation (en)

Ly Nguyenが2023/04/27 16:02に最終更新
, Schedule, Queue, and Logs > tick the box Delete related items > hit Delete Use case 13: Change agent’s
can only add one by one Use case 2: Remove an OU In Organization Unit menu > click Delete button next to the OU name on the page to remove an OU Note: Delete an OU will delete all resources within
information in Agent Group, Tasks, Schedule, Queue, and Logs > tick the box **Delete related items > **hit
**(%%) == In **Organization Unit **menu > click **Delete **button next to the OU name on the page to remove an OU **//Note: Delete an OU will delete all resources within the unit//** [[image:image-20230425154231-6.png

[3] Queues (en)

adminが2023/04/13 16:16に最終更新
Chart Displays the average handling time, in seconds, for each item per queue.
By default, the Queues dashboard is comprised of the following widgets, which can be edited
tasks processed to date. Queues Input The total number of queues. Task by Status Pie Chart
[3] Queues
)))|((( Displays the average handling time, in seconds, for each item per queue. ))) ))) {{velocity
-20230413161244-1.png]] == By default, the **Queues** dashboard is comprised of the following widgets, which can
** )))|((( Input )))|((( Displays a cumulative total of all tasks processed to date. ))) |((( **Queues

[4] Webhook (en)

adminが2023/07/04 16:29に最終更新
to notify various users, such as when a new queue item is ready for processing, a trigger fails
Available actions to manage the Webhook. Includes: Edit: allows users to edit a particular webhook. Delete: allows users to delete selected webhook 2 URL The URL of your application 3 Subscribed Event The events
solution to notify various users, such as when a new queue item is ready for processing, a trigger fails
to edit a particular webhook. Delete: allows users to delete selected webhook |2|URL|The URL of your

[3] akaBot Center - Navigation (en)

adminが2023/07/04 10:30に最終更新
processes 5 Queue Work queues are used to distribute work items to robot. Overview of queues
processes by developers and used in your processes |5|Queue|Work queues are used to distribute work items to robot. Overview of queues and transactions statuses, and SLA predictions. |6|Monitoring|Place

[2] Role Management (en)

adminが2023/07/04 16:25に最終更新
. Create Users can see and create new resources. Delete Users can delete the resources. This Role Management page displays all available roles and allows admin to add or delete, as well as update roles
|ASSET RESOURCE |10|QUEUE RESOURCE |11|LOG RESOURCE |=Permissions|=Category |None|Users won’t see
|Users can see and edit the resources. |Create|Users can see and create new resources. |Delete|Users can delete the resources. This Role Management page displays all available roles and allows admin

[1] Task (en)

adminが2023/07/04 14:44に最終更新
Item, the delete option will appear beside the Filter option and allow you to delete the Log Item
the properties of a task and task log. DELETE: Remove the task CLONE: Create an identical task from the existing task By selecting the Checkbox corresponding to each Task, the delete option will appear beside
: by selecting the Checkbox on each Log Item, the delete option will appear beside the Filter option and allow you to delete the Log Item. ! Selecting the Checkbox next to Action will select all Logs in display and allow you to bulk delete selected log items. | |Timestamp|The exact time the action was executed

[1] User Management (en)

adminが2023/07/04 16:21に最終更新
is created. You can also cancel the creation of the queue by clicking the Cancel button. c. Delete a User
. This page displays all available users and allows admin to add or delete, as well as update users
of the User. Delete: allows users to delete selected User. 2 Login The username credentials that will be used
. This page displays all available users and allows admin to add or delete, as well as update users
the User. Includes: Edit: allows users to view the details of the User. Delete: allows users to delete
** button to save it, and the User is created. You can also cancel the creation of the queue by clicking
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adminが2022/04/17 14:38に作成