Search: execute-macro

Last modified by admin on 2022/04/24 04:58

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Execute Macro

Last modified by Giang Tran on 2022/05/13 06:50
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RCA.Activities.Excel.ExecuteMacro Description This activity allows you to execute the macro
of any error. ・False (default) - Stops the process from continuing the execution. Input Macro Name (String) - The name of the macro to be executed. Only String variables and strings are supported. E.g
Execute Macro
Execute Macro
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" %) ((( RCA.Activities.Excel.ExecuteMacro == **Description** == This activity allows you to execute the macro within a workbook
continuing the execution. **Input** * **Macro Name (String)** - The name of the macro to be executed
(IEnumberable< Object >)** - Enables you to pass parameters when executing the macro. This field supports only

Excel Activities

Located in
Last modified by admin on 2022/05/18 09:52
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information from a cell, columns, rows or ranges, and write to other spreadsheets or workbooks. Execute macros
and execution of the automation projects themselves, such as logical operators and expressions. See also
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information from a cell, columns, rows or ranges, and write to other spreadsheets or workbooks. ))) * Execute macros, and even extract formulas. Also, there are other types of activities in this pack that aid in the creation and execution of the automation projects themselves, such as logical operators and expressions


Last modified by admin on 2022/07/01 15:42
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Write Cell Excel Write Range Execute Macro Export Chart Read Column Read Range Read Row Write Cell Write
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://]] * [[Execute Macro>>url:]] * [[Export

[01] akaBot Studio

Last modified by admin on 2023/05/21 23:26
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Excel macros by adding custom VBA code. Invoke VBA Activity: The Invoke VBA activity enables you to execute a specific VBA macro or function within your Excel workbook. It provides a way to call and run VBA
execution and throws an error on subsequent attempts - This error is no longer present. [Fixed] "Export PDF
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macros by adding custom VBA code. ** Invoke VBA Activity: The Invoke VBA activity enables you to execute a specific VBA macro or function within your Excel workbook. It provides a way to call and run VBA code
functioning correctly for the first execution and throws an error on subsequent attempts - This error

Excel Application Scope

Last modified by VuNH54 on 2023/04/19 16:56
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” “Do” - The activities you want to execute within the application. Properties File Edit password
will save the file immediately after executing the activity or not. Default checked. Excel Properties - List of InterOp.Excel._Application's properties to be set and their values Macro setting (DropDownList) - Specifies
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:\FolderName\Contacts.xlsx” * **“Do” - **The activities you want to execute within the application
the file immediately after executing the activity or not. Default checked. * **Excel Properties **- List of InterOp.Excel._Application's properties to be set and their values * **Macro setting (DropDownList
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Created by admin on 2022/04/17 14:38