[01] akaBot Studio

Last modified by admin on 2023/05/21 23:26

What's New

  • [Added] Added Excel Set Range Format activity: This activity allows user to  format cells and ranges according to a specific format.
  • [Added] Screen Status Check Activity: This activity helps you check the status of the device's screen while the agent is running. It allows you to determine if the screen is locked or not on that particular device. 
  • [Added] Automatic Screen Unlock Activity: This activity helps the user automatically unlock the screen if it is locked, preventing any disruptions to the agent's functionality.
  • [Added] Some new VBA-related activities: These activities provide additional capabilities for working with VBA code within your automation workflows, empowering you to customize and automate Excel tasks using Visual Basic for Applications.
    • Insert VBA Activity: This activity allows you to insert new VBA code into a workbook or a specific module. It helps you extend the functionality of your Excel macros by adding custom VBA code.
    • Invoke VBA Activity: The Invoke VBA activity enables you to execute a specific VBA macro or function within your Excel workbook. It provides a way to call and run VBA code programmatically from your automation workflow.
    • Delete VBA Activity: This activity allows you to remove or delete VBA code from a workbook or a specific module. It helps you clean up unnecessary or outdated VBA code and streamline your Excel automation projects.
  • [Added] Community license model: The Studio now has a community license model available. This is a free version of akaBot Studio available for individual users, small businesses, and learning purposes. It provides access to most of the features and capabilities of akaBot Studio.
  • [Added] Add form builder activities.
  • [Added] Add Event trigger activities.
  • [Added] Support manifest v3 (NativeBrowser.5.0.0.nupkg).
  • [Added] Splash screen for Studio
  • [Added] MSAA option for Common package activities.
  • [Added] Added Arguments, EdgeIEMode, EdgeExecutablePath properties in OpenBrowser(B) activity.
  • [Added] Support automation app java 32 bit on akaBot Platform x64 (java32).

Bugs fixed

  • [Fixed] Activity Get File now has default values filled in for the "date from" and "date to" fields, preventing them from being empty.
  • [Fixed] OCR - The issue with the "Activity Microsoft Azure OCR" has been resolved, and it can now be used without any errors.  
  • [Fixed] When using the "Terminate Process" activity on User A, it was also terminating the process on User B. The root cause was that the termination process was not checking the session ID of the current user, resulting in terminating all processes, including those of other users. To resolve this issue, we have fixed the code to differentiate the session ID. Now, when a user terminates a process, it will only terminate the processes belonging to that specific user
  • [Fixed] The "Activity Export PDF Page as Image" is only functioning correctly for the first execution and throws an error on subsequent attempts - This error is no longer present.
  • [Fixed] "Export PDF Page As Image" activity no longer opens the PDF file in the background after execution.
  • [FixedAndUpdated] Common activity: Can handle the action after Ctrl Z, the activity can reload the old image before such as (Activities): Click, AttachBrowser,...
  • [Fixed] Unable to send SMTP email using the "Send SMTP Mail Message" activity -> now able to successfully send.


  • [Updated] Optimize dependency load to increase the bot's startup speed. 
  • [Updated] Specific error messages indicating the exact causes have been added when publishing the project.
  • [Updated] Activity take screenshot: default captures a full-screen image (if no selector is chosen).