[1] Agent

Last modified by admin on 2023/07/04 15:22

An Agent is an execution host that runs processes that are built in akaBot Studio.

The Agents page allows you to add Agents, edit them, and examine their status as well as the change runtime settings and the Agent Group to which they are assigned.

Note: When the status of an Agent is busy (executing a process), you cannot edit the Username, Machine, or Type. To access the Agent page, click “Agent” tab in the left menu. After clicking, the system shows the Agent page listing all existed Agents as below.


1ActionAvailable actions to manage the Agent. Includes:
Edit: allows you to edit the details of each Agent
Delete: allows you to remove selected Agent from the Center
By selecting the Checkbox on each Agent, the delete option will appear beside the Filter option and allow you to delete the Agent from the Center
! Selecting the Checkbox next to Action will select all Agents in display and allow you to bulk delete selected them.
2NameThe name of the Agent. You can click the name of the Agent the view its details.
 VersionThe installed version of the akaBot Agent tool in the local machine
 StatusThe current status of the Agent.
AVAILABLE - the Agent is connected to the Center, not running any
process and is free to be used
BUSY - the Agent is running a process.
DISCONNECTED- the Agent and Center have not communicated in
the last 10 seconds.
 Agent GroupThe Agent Group to which the Agent belongs.
 Machine nameThe name of the machine the Agent is registered on.
 Machine UsernameThe username used to log in to the Agent machine
 DescriptionDescription of the Agent
 Created byThe user who created the Agent

a. View an Agent

You can view the details of the Agent by clicking the eye button.


1Agent GroupThe Agent Group to which the Agent belongs.
2NameThe name of the Agent. You can click the name of the Agent the view its details.
3Machine nameThe name of the machine the Agent is registered on.
4Machine UsernameThe username used to log in to the Agent machine
5TypeThe type of Agent. This can be only Development, Assistant, Staging, Production. It is possible to filter the page according to the Agent type.
6StatusThe current status of the Agent.
AVAILABLE - the Agent is connected to Center, not running any process
and is free to be used
BUSY - the Agent is running a process.
DISCONNECTED - the Agent and Center have not communicated in the
last 10 seconds.
7DescriptionDescription of the Agent
8VersionThe installed version of the akaBot Agent tool in the local machine
9Created byThe user which created the Agent.

Besides details regarding the Agent, all the tasks, logs, and connection verification status of the Agent can also be found here.

b. View an Agent's tasks

At the bottom of the Details page, you can see a list of all the tasks that are executed by this specific Agent.


Details regarding Tasks shall be explained in the Task sections.

c. View an Agent's log

To view the Agent’s logs from the Agent Details page, click the Log tab next to the Task tab to switch the view.


You can also Export Log for further investigation by clicking the Export Log option next to the Filter button. You can export all Logs or specific filtered Log Items.


  • Verify the Agent Connection

To make sure the Center and Agent are correctly connected with a valid username and password, you can click on the Verify button.


If the user clicks this button when the Agent is connected, an ID/Password authentication check will be performed to determine if the ID/Password is correct and can be logged in.

There are three possible verification task states:

  • PENDING: the verification task was created and waiting for verification from the agent
  • SUCCESSFUL: the agent was verified and the username password was correct
  • FAULTED: the agent was verified and the username password was incorrect

Verification tasks and verify button will be updated in real-time. When there is a pending verification task on the verification tab, verify button will be disabled.
When the user clicks on verify button, the verification tab will be opened automatically and there is also a "Verifying..." notification shown in the top right corner.

To view all the Verification requests created, go to the Agent tab > View agent detail > Select Verification tab.


d. Create/Update an Agent

The first step of connecting an Agent to the Center is to create an Agent in the Center.

Notes: You are unable to edit an Agent with status = BUSY (executing a task). To create a new Agent, you should click the “Create New” button on the top right corner of the screen


To edit an Agent, you should click the Edit button of one Agent in the list. Alternatively, you can click the Edit button on the Detail Page of the Agent.


After clicking, the system shows a popup allowing you to fill properties to create/edit a new Agent. You need to fill in all the necessary info in the form below.


Agent tab

NoColumn /LabelDescriptionTypeMaximumIs Mandatory?Input Requirement
1KeyThis is the identification of one agent. You will input this key into the Agent Key field in your local Agent.String50 charYesThis field is
auto-generated by the system
2NameEnter the name of the agent you want to create/editString50 charYes 
3Machine NameEnter the name of the computer on which the Agent is deployedString50 charYes 
4Machine UsernameEnter the username used to log in to the computer which is mentioned aboveString50 charNo 
5Machine PasswordEnter the password used to log in to the computer which is
mentioned above
String255 charNo 
6TypeSelect the type of the agent you want to create/edit. There are 4 different types you can
Dropdown list, SingleChoice Yes 
7DescriptionEnter the description of
the agent you want to create/edit
String500 charNo 

Agent Settings Tab

NoColumn /LabelDescriptionTypeMaximumIs Mandatory?Input Requirement
1Console / RDPakaBot executes workflow in an interactive Windows session. There are two types of Windows sessions the Robot can start:
Console Session
RDP Session
SingleChoice Yes 
2Login To ConsoleThis option allows the Agent connects to a
Console session Only
available if you chose
Checkbox No 
3Font SmoothingThis option enhances text recognition. Only available if you chose RDPCheckboxNo limitOptional 
4Resolution Width / Height / DepthThis option allows users to set a custom resolution if the
automation process is required. Only available if you
chose rdp
 OptionalGreater than 0
5OthersOther specific parameter for this AgentStringNo limitOptional 

After filling the form, you click the Save button to record the Agent to the system.
Follow the instruction to connect the Agent to the Center using the Agent Key to complete the connection.

  • Search for Agent

To search for the Agents you need, insert Agent name to search box of select Agent group, Status to find:


e. Delete an Agent

To delete, you need to click the Delete button.


Alternatively, you can select the checkbox before each Agent and the Delete button will show up next to the Create Newr button. Tick the Checkbox next to Action will allow users to select all displayed Agent for bulk delete.
