[2] Agent Group

Last modified by admin on 2023/07/04 15:25

An Agent Group is a grouping of agents that is used to deploy processes. The Agent Group page displays all previously created groups and enables you to manage Agents within them. The Agent Group page allows you to search and filter agent groups by name and description. 


1ActionAvailable actions to manage the Agent Group. Included:
Edit : allows you to edit the details of each Agent Group
Delete: allows you to delete selected Agent Group
By selecting the Checkbox corresponding to each Agent, the delete option will appear beside the Filter option and allow you to delete the
Agent from Center

! Selecting the Checkbox next to Action will select all Agent Group in display and allow you to bulk delete selected them
2NameThe name of the Agent Group. You can click the name of the Agent Group the view its details
3DescriptionThe description of the Agent Group
4Created byYou can see the username that created the Agent Group

To view the details of the Agent Group, click eye button.


1NameThe name of the Agent Group. You can click the name of the Agent Group the view its details
2DescriptionThe description of the Agent Group
3Created byYou can see the username that created the Agent Group
4AgentThis section will list all Agents that are assigned to this Agent Group.
Here, you can view details of each agent, including its version, status, machine name, machine username, type, description and the user who created it.

a. Create/Edit an Agent Group

To create a new agent group, you should click “Create New” button on the top right corner of the screen.


When you want to edit the Agent Group information, click the Edit button: 


When you click on Create New/Edit button, the system will show a form for you to fill in. Details are in the table below.


NoColumn /LabelDescriptionTypeMaximumIs Mandatory?Input Requirement
1NameEnter the name of the
agent group you want to create/edit
String100 charYes 
2DescriptionEnter the description of
the agent group you want to create/edit
String255 charNo 
3AgentSelect the agent you want
to add to the agent group
that you are
You can click the bin icon
next to the Agent to
remove it if needed.
Input searchingNo limitYesYou can add many agents into agent group, but you can only add one by one

Once all information is filled, hit Save.

b. Remove Agent Group

To delete an agent group, you should click the Delete button of the agent group you want to remove from the Agent Group list.


Alternatively, you can hit the checkbox before each Agent and the Delete option will appear next to the Filter option at the top. Click the Checkbox next to Action will allow you to select all Agents for deletion.
