[2] Report

Last modified by admin on 2023/07/04 16:11

Report provides activity statistic information about the Agents & Workflows which are currently being connected to Center. Here, you can get information such as the number of successful tasks, a number of tasks that are running, stopped, or faulted. You can also check the total number of task that was run by the selected Agent or Workflows

You can get your reports by Agent and Workflow. To access the Report page, click on the Report tab in the left menu.

a. Report for Agent

Users can view Agent Report by going to Report tab > Select Agent tab.


1Agent NameThe name of the Agent which activities is reported
2Workflow NameThe name of the Workflow which activities is reported
3Task SuccessfulThe total number of tasks that are successfully executed.
4Task RunningThe total number of tasks that are currently executing
5Task StoppedThe total number of tasks that have been stopped
6Task FaultedThe total number of tasks that experienced errors during execution
7TotalThe total number of tasks that are initiated until now.

To get the report, you can use the filter at the top of the page.


NoColumn /LabelDescriptionTypeMaximumInput Requirement
1Start DateFrom which date you want to get the agent’s activity statistics.Date & Time  
2End DateTo which date you want to get the agent’s activity statistics.Date & Time  
3Select Agent
Select the agent group in which you want to see activity statistics.Input searchingNo limit 
4Select AgentSelect the agent of which you want to see activity statisticsInput searchingNo limit 
5View reportClick View for the report to be generated   
6ExportDownload the report   

The Report will be downloaded to your local machine and shall be open:


b. Report for Workflow

Similar to Agent Report above. Please scroll up to read. 
