[1] User Management

Last modified by admin on 2023/07/04 16:21

A user is an entity with access-dependent capabilities whose perspective and control of akaBot Center are contingent on the roles they have been designated. Users can be created in the Center.

This page displays all available users and allows admin to add or delete, as well as update users’ information.

After selecting the User management tab, the system displays the following page:


1ActionAvailable actions to manage the User. Includes:
Edit: allows users to view the details of the User.
Delete: allows users to delete selected User.
2LoginThe username credentials that will be used to sign in.
3EmailThe email address of the user. Can be used to log in to akaBot Center.
4StatusThe status of the user. Can be Activated or Deactivated.
5LanguageThe display language of akaBot Center for user.
6ProfilesThe role(s) assigned to the user. There are 3 default roles:
A user can have more than one role. Details about permission for each role will be explained in Role Management.
7Created dateThe date when the user is created
8Modified byThe last person who modified the user’s information
9Modified dateThe last date on which the user’s information was modified

a. View a User

To view a user’s details, click on the eye button.



 LoginThe username credentials that will be used to sign in.
 StatusThe status of the user. Can be Activated or Deactivated.
 First nameThe first name of the user.
 Last nameThe last name of the user.
 EmailThe email address of the user. Can be used to log in to akaBot Center.
 LanguageThe display language of akaBot Center for each user.
 Created byThe user who created this user.
 Created dateThe date when the user is created.
 Modified byThe last person who modified the user’s information.
 Modified dateThe last date on which the user’s information was modified
 ProfilesThe role(s) assigned to the user. There are 3 default roles:
A user can have more than one role. Details about permission for each role will be explained in the Role Management section.

b. Create/Edit a User

To create a new user, click the Create new at the top of the User page.


When you click on Create New/Edit button, the system will show a form for you to fill in. Details in the table below.


NoColumn /LabelDescriptionTypeMaximumIs Mandatory?Input Requirement
1LoginEnter the username used to log in to the system of the user you
are creating/editing
2First NameEnter the first name of the userString50Yes 
3Last NameEnter the last name of the userString50Yes 
4EmailEnter the email of the userString100Yes 
5PasswordOnly available in create new
Enter the password of the user
6Confirm PasswordOnly available in create new
Reenter the password of the
7ActivatedSelect this if you want this user to be activated upon creationCheck
8LanguageSelect the language of the userDropdown list,
9ProfilesSelect roles for the userMultipleChoice Yes 

After filling the form, click the Save button to save it, and the User is created. You can also cancel the creation of the queue by clicking the Cancel button.

c. Delete a User

To delete a User, you click the Delete button of the corresponding User.


A confirming pop-up will display. Hit Delete to complete the operation.
