[2]Share an Employee-driven idea

Last modified by admin on 2023/04/21 14:31

Select Share -> Share a CoE - driven idea to add your idea details


As soon as the form for sharing the CoE-driven idea is displayed, you input the required information orderly:

  1. Overview: Describe the overview of the idea including Name, Description, Pain points, Negative impact and choose Business Area where the idea can apply
  2. Detailed Assessment: Fill answers for questions 
  3. Assessment KPIs: During the Idea submission process, an algorithm runs silently to compute the following output scores
  • The easiness of process implementation: expressed as % (from 0 to 100% - the higher the better). This KPI predicts the easiness when the idea is implemented. 
  • Saving FTEs (people): This KPI predicts the number of people savings if the idea is automated
  • The value of automation: This KPI calculates the value that idea can bring. It can calculate based on the saving FTEs/ total FTEs
    • If the value is less than 0.3, the idea will contribute low value to the organization
    • If the value is between 0.3 and 0.6, the idea will contribute medium value to the organization
    • If the value is more than 0.6, the idea will contribute a high value to the organization

       4. Assign Process Owner: Assign Process Owner who is responsible for checking the correction of detailed information for idea

After sharing it, a Process Owner will review the correction of information in your idea. They can archive it or submit Assessment. Check the Idea Review Flow for more details

Share a CoE Idea.gif

