[4] Set schedule

Last modified by admin on 2023/07/10 09:52

Schedule function allows users to run planned processes. The purpose of Schedule is to manage schedule lists and create new schedules. To access the Schedule section, select Process Designer, and then select the Schedule item.


1. Create a new Schedule

To create a new schedule, click Create New button.


Then fill in the pop-up window, and select Save.


Description of Agent schedule configuration fields is displayed in below table:

NameName of scheduleStringYes 
ProcessChoose the process what you want to set scheduleCombo boxYes 
Time ZoneChoose time zoneDropdown listYes 
RecurrenceSelect the cycle for the schedule by: Minute/ Hourly/ Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly/ AdvancedDropdown listYesThe configuration options below will be displayed according to the respective schedule cycle.
Start DateChoose run dateDateYes 
AtChoose run timeTimeYes 
Start DateChoose start dateDateYes 
End DateChoose end dateDateNo 
EveryChoose cycle in minuteDropdown listYes 
Start DateChoose start dateDateYes 
End DateChoose end dateDateNo 
EveryChoose cycle in hourDropdown listYes 
Start DateChoose start dateDateYes 
End DateChoose end dateDateNo 
AtChoose the time of dayTimeYes 
Start DateChoose start dateDateYes 
End DateChoose end dateDateNo 
Every day atChoose the time of dayTimeYes 
Every week onChoose the day of weekCheckboxNo 
Start DateChoose start dateDateYes 
End DateChoose end dateDateNo 
Every day atChoose the time of dayTimeYes 
OnChoose the day of monthRadio buttons & Dropdown listYes

There are 2 options:

  • The specific day according to the solar calendar in the month
  • Specific date in the order of the month (Example: First Sunday of the month)
OfChoose the month of yearCheckboxNo 
Start DateChoose start dateDateYes 
End DateChoose end dateDateNo 
Cron ExpressionA string consisting of 6 or 7 space-separated fields that allows users to create a CronTrigger to re-trigger a scheduleTextboxNo 
Parameters  No 
Holiday SettingsHoliday scheduleRadio buttonsYes

There are 3 options:

  • Run as set schedule (default)
  • Bypass holiday settings
  • Potponse until the next run

2. Manage Schedule list

a. Search on schedule list


To search for a specific schedule in the list, enter the name of the schedule you want to search in the Search box.

To filter out the running schedules for a specific process in the list, enter a name and/or select the process drop-down in the Choose Process box.

To filter out running or shutting down schedules in the list, enter a status name and/or select the status drop-down in the Choose Status box.

b. Manage Schedule List


To review the configuration of a particular schedule in the list, select image-20230312200330-40.png  , select Cancel to close the configuration window and return to the main screen.

To edit the profile of a particular schedule in the list, select image-20230312200330-41.png  , select Edit, change the desired profile, and then select Save.

To copy a specific schedule in the list, select image-20230312200330-42.png  , select Clone, change the schedule name with the Name (required) and End Date fields in the Trigger field, and then select Save.

To start running a specific schedule in the list, select image-20230312200330-43.png  , select Start Now, and then select OK in the confirmation window.

To disable a specific schedule in the list, select image-20230312200330-44.png  , select Disabled, and then select OK in the confirmation window.

To delete a specific item in the list, select image-20230312200330-45.png , select Delete, and then select Delete in the confirmation window.

To delete multiple schedules in the list at the same time, check tickbox image-20230312200330-46.png  at the top of all schedules, select Delete, and then select Confirm in the confirmation window.
