[1] Manage and coordinate processes

Last modified by admin on 2023/07/10 10:00

1. View list of running process


To view the list of running process, please follow the below steps:

S1: Choose Monitoring menu

S2: Choose Process tab in here

In herer, you can view all the basic information of a process, include:

1ActionProcess-related tasks: Click the “eye” icon to view process details, click the “triple dot” icon to perform Restart/Stop/Pause processes
2Process nameName of process
3VersionVersion of process
4StatusStatus of process
5Current TaskThe current task which is running
6Current AssigneeUser is running the task
7Start timeStart time of process
8Elapse timeThe amount of time the process has run up to the present time
9Pending TasksNumber of pending Task
10Done TasksNumber of completed Task
11Start byUser starts the process
12Process IDIdentification of process

2. Operate a specific process

a. View a specific process

In the list of process, click the “eye” icon.


After clicking in, detail  of running process will be shown up, as below:


Functions of each session on the screen are described below (the sequence numbers are shown as the above picture):

1Name of the process
2Current status of a process
3This tab is used for view process simulation
4View the list of tasks in a process
5View output/input json
6View basic information of a process
7Detailed information of each tasks. When users click in a specific task in the process, all related information will be shown up in here.
8View the rate of process, tasks in the process and current status of each tasks.

b. Make decisions in operation

  • For a process


When operating any processes, user can do one of the following actions if there are any changes/issues (the sequence numbers are shown as the above picture):

1Reload page to update lastest version
2Pause/Run a process
3Stop a process
4Restart a process with 1 out of 3 option:
- Restart with the current version.
- Restart with the lastest version.
- Restart at a specific task in the process. To do this, please click in task which user want to start running.
  • For a Task

During the execution of the process, if a Human task/Bot Task is pending for too long, user can do the following actions to assign the task to another User/Bot, or actively change the status of a Task.


S1: Click in the Human Task in the process.

S2: In the field containing task details to the right of the process, click the Action button.

S3: Select the action that the user wants to perform:

- Update task status: Change the status of Task.

- Assign new assignee: Assign the Task to another user.



S1: Click in the Bot Task that is in the process.

S2: In the field containing task details to the right of the process, click the Action button.

S3: Select the action that the user wants to perform

- Update task status: Change the status of Task.

- Assign new assignee: Assign the Task to another user.
