[4] Business

Last modified by admin on 2023/04/13 16:34


By default, the Business dashboard is comprised of the following widgets, which can be edited:

Widget Name

Widget Type


Money Saved


Displays the current total of money saved based upon the value entered in the ROI data set table, as well as the days until your defined goal is reached at the current rate.

Time Saved


Displays the current total time saved based upon the Manual Time value entered in the ROI data set table.



Static display of your defined goal value.

This widget must be manually defined.



The total hours worked by all robots to date.

Hours Saved per Process

Tree Map

Breakdown of the time saved per process to date, based upon the Manual Time value entered in the ROI data set table.

Displays the Top 10 according to this calculation.

Money Saved per Process

Pie Chart

Breakdown of the money saved per process to date, based upon the values entered in the ROI data set table.

Cumulative Time Saved

Column Chart

Total time saved for each week, with a breakdown per process.

