[1] Create an Account

Version 35.2 by admin on 2023/08/11 15:09

To create an account, head to the akaBot Vision registration page.

1. Create an Account

Note: Although akaBot Vision currently supports Pre-trained data fields only for Invoice processing, the technology is documented agnostic and can extract data from any structured document including receipts, purchase orders, shipping documents, etc. Please contact [email protected] for more detail.


Next, fill out your personal details including your Username, and Company Name. Then you can choose the business email address you want to associate with the account and a secure password.

To create a valid password, you need to adapt the below policy:

  • Minimum password length: 8.
  • Require at least 1 lowercase letter.
  • Require at least 1 uppercase letter.
  • Require at least 1 number.
  • Require at least 1 symbol character.


2. Welcome to the App

Once you log in, you will arrive at the main screen.

On the left-hand side, there is a list of Pipelines. Each pipeline is an organizational unit that typically represents a particular document type that needs to be processed. The left panel is fully customizable, so you can add/group/remove pipelines as needed.


Type your information message here.


Created by admin on 2022/04/18 08:04