Search: create-file-permission

Last modified by admin on 2022/04/24 04:58

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Center Installation Guide for Standalone Model on Redhat v9.x

Last modified by admin on 2024/05/03 16:27
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by this account instead of using Root account to prevent permission-related errors during execution. 1. Create
(WITHOUT /bin/java) 2. Create tomcat.service file sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service 3. Copy
Step 3: Configure ActiveMQ Service 1. Create configuration file: activemq.service sudo vi /etc
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/openlogic-openjdk-11-hotspot **(WITHOUT /bin/java)** 2. Create tomcat.service file sudo vi /etc/systemd
|(% style="width:192px" %)Database SID/Service Name Ex: Orcl 1.3. Permission requirement Your user account on akaBot Center machine to run installation needs to have **Run permission as Sudo**. == 1.4. Prepare

For IT-Dev Team

Last modified by Ly Nguyen on 2023/04/27 15:44
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can only add one by one Use case 2: Create/ edit a new Role Roles are sets of permission, which
. Permissions Category Package Name Select the package you want for the workflow you are creating Package
Use case 1: View/ Create/ Edit an OU S1: To access the Organization Unit page, click
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. Details about permission for each role will be explained in the Role Management section S3: To create
allowing you to create the workflow. [[image:image-20230308181423-38.png]] |**Permissions**|**Category
" %)**Use case 1: View/ Create/ Edit an OU**(%%) == S1: To access the **Organization Unit page**,** **click

Center Installation Guide For High Availability Model on Redhat v9.x

Last modified by admin on 2024/05/03 15:59
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on your File Storage server to save Nuget packages and akaBot Center server will have access permissions
. Create configuration file: activemq.service sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/activemq.service 2. Copy below
by this account instead of using Root account to prevent permission-related errors during execution. 1. Create
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" %) ~1. Create configuration file: activemq.service (% style="margin-left:40px" %) (% style="color
="margin-left:40px" %) 2. Create tomcat.service file (% style="margin-left:40px" %) (% style="color
: Orcl == (% style="color:#e74c3c" %)1.3. File Storage requirements(%%) == Please make sure that you

Center Installation Guide For High Availability Model on Windows Server

Last modified by admin on 2024/02/02 17:45
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/Service Name Ex: Orcl 1.3. File Storage requirements Please make sure that you have a dedicated folder on your File Storage server to save Nuget packages and akaBot Center server will have access permissions
/certs/dhparam.pem 2048 3. Create configuration file sudo vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf 4. Copy
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="color:#c0392b" %)sudo openssl dhparam -out /etc/ssl/certs/dhparam.pem 2048 3. Create configuration file
SID/Service Name Ex: Orcl == (% style="color:#e74c3c" %)1.3. File Storage requirements(%%) == Please make sure that you have a dedicated folder on your File Storage server to save Nuget packages
Page 1
RSS feed for search on [create-file-permission]
Created by admin on 2022/04/17 14:38