Search: file-exist

Last modified by admin on 2022/04/24 04:58

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[8] Setting up Auto Login for Unattended Agent

Last modified by admin on 2024/03/04 15:23
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\Microsoft\Windows NT\Terminal Services fPromptForPassword REG_DWORD 0 (or not exists) Files Make sure the following files are in the right directory. File name Target directory Version akaBotCredentialProvider.dll C:\Windows\System32\ Must be equal to akaBot installer version Logs Check the following log files
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|fPromptForPassword|REG_DWORD|0 (or not exists) **Files** Make sure the following files are in the right directory. |=File name|=Target directory|=Version |akaBotCredentialProvider.dll|C:\Windows\System32\|Must be equal to akaBot installer version **Logs** Check the following log files. |=File name|=Target directory

Excel Application Scope

Last modified by VuNH54 on 2023/04/19 16:56
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are supported. Use Existing Workbook Existing Workbook (WorkbookApplication) - Use the data from an Excel file
Workbook Path (String) - The path of the Excel file you want to read. E.g: “C:\FolderName\Contacts.xlsx” “Do” - The activities you want to execute within the application. Properties File Edit password
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of the activity** == * **Workbook Path (String)** - The path of the Excel file you want to read. E.g: “C
. == **Properties** == **File** * **Edit password (String)** - The password required for editing password
(String)*** - The path of the Excel file you want to read. E.g: “C:\FolderName\Contacts.xlsx” * **Password

HTTPS Enabling Configuration

Last modified by admin on 2023/11/29 13:39
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. Note: In case of use existing certificates, remember to locate to folder containing these files before
variables must be defined. 2.2. File requirement We highly recommend you to use the globally certificates
. In this case, please contact IT department to get 2 below files: Your organization security certificate file
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must be defined. == **2.2. File requirement** == We highly recommend you to use the globally
. In this case, please contact IT department to get 2 below files: * Your organization security certificate file. Ex: fpt.local.cer * Your personal information exchange file. Ex: fpt.pfx If not this case, please

[1] Release Notes

Located in
Last modified by VuNH54 on 2023/09/08 14:41
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-package Add Delete Column: Adds blank columns or removes existing columns from a specified sheet. Add Delete Rows: Adds empty rows or removes existing rows from a specified sheet. Add New Sheets: Creates a new sheet inside a specified Google spreadsheet Append Row: Appends a row to an existing spreadsheet
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or removes existing columns from a specified sheet. * Add Delete Rows: Adds empty rows or removes existing
spreadsheet * Append Row: Appends a row to an existing spreadsheet. * Auto Fill Range: Fulfills the auto-fill
to the source file. * Delete Range: Uses the Microsoft Graph Clear range (when **Shift** is //None//) or Delete

Release Notes

Last modified by Nga Nguyen on 2022/05/13 04:21
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file is set password protected sheet. [ExportChart]Export chart missing when name file excel has chart
characters. [ExcelApplicationScope] A loop opens Excel file in the background. Even though the workflow has been stopped. [ExcelApplicationScope] Don't show message when WorkBook Path does exist, Wrong Format
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when excel file is set password protected sheet. * [ExportChart]Export chart missing when name file
than 200 characters. * [ExcelApplicationScope] A loop opens Excel file in the background. Even though the workflow has been stopped. * [ExcelApplicationScope] Don't show message when WorkBook Path does exist

[1] Release Notes

Last modified by Nga Nguyen on 2022/05/13 03:20
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file is set password protected sheet. [ExportChart]Export chart missing when name file excel has chart
characters. [ExcelApplicationScope] A loop opens Excel file in the background. Even though the workflow has been stopped. [ExcelApplicationScope] Don't show message when WorkBook Path does exist, Wrong Format
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when excel file is set password protected sheet. * [ExportChart]Export chart missing when name file
than 200 characters. * [ExcelApplicationScope] A loop opens Excel file in the background. Even though the workflow has been stopped. * [ExcelApplicationScope] Don't show message when WorkBook Path does exist


Last modified by admin on 2023/10/09 14:49
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will automatically create these schemas if they do not exist. You can manually create them if the automation process failed by following guidelines 4. Installation Process Download all files in latest releases version here Use MobaXterm to ssh to your remote server Upload the above files to your home directory
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web service will automatically create these schemas if they do not exist. You can manually create them
utf8_bin ; {{/code}} === **4. Installation Process** === * Download all files in latest releases version
-20230630133051-1.png]] * Use MobaXterm to ssh to your remote server * Upload the above files to your home

Write Cell

Last modified by VuNH54 on 2023/04/20 10:53
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into a specified spreadsheet cell or a range. If the sheet does not exist, a new one is created. (* for mandatory) In the body of activity Workbook Path - The path of the Excel file you want to use. E.g: “C
of the Excel file you want to use. E.g: “C:\FolderName\ClientList.xlsx” Sheet name (String)* - The sheet you
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spreadsheet cell or a range. If the sheet does not exist, a new one is created. [[image:image-20220505135743
of the Excel file you want to use. E.g: “C:\FolderName\ClientList.xlsx” * **Sheet name** - The sheet you want
: “A20” == **Properties** == **Input** * **Workbook Path (String)*** - The path of the Excel file you

Custom Activity

Located in
Last modified by admin on 2023/04/27 18:24
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and then click Add. Replace the existing SumInt definition with the following definition. Click Build Solution. You should see no error and there is an assembly file RCA.Activities.Demo.dll in build output
Download nuget.exe from Generate .nupkg file
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. Replace the existing SumInt definition with the following definition. 1. Click Build Solution. You should see no error and there is an assembly file RCA.Activities.Demo.dll in build output directory
/nuget.exe]] 1. Generate .nupkg file * Open command prompt at your project folder [[image:image

Append Range

Last modified by VuNH54 on 2023/04/19 16:55
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stored in a DataTable variable to the end of a specified Excel spreadsheet. If the sheet does not exist
of activity Workbook Path - The full path of the Excel spreadsheet that you want to use. If the Excel file
want to use. If the Excel file to be used is located in the project folder, its relative path can
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variable to the end of a specified Excel spreadsheet. If the sheet does not exist, a new one is created
to use. If the Excel file to be used is located in the project folder, its relative path can be used
(String)*** - The full path of the Excel spreadsheet that you want to use. If the Excel file to be used
RSS feed for search on [file-exist]
Created by admin on 2022/04/17 14:38