Search: create-file-permission

Last modified by admin on 2022/04/24 04:58

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For IT-Dev Team

Last modified by Ly Nguyen on 2023/04/27 15:44
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can only add one by one Use case 2: Create/ edit a new Role Roles are sets of permission, which
. Permissions Category Package Name Select the package you want for the workflow you are creating Package
Use case 1: View/ Create/ Edit an OU S1: To access the Organization Unit page, click
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. Details about permission for each role will be explained in the Role Management section S3: To create
allowing you to create the workflow. [[image:image-20230308181423-38.png]] |**Permissions**|**Category
" %)**Use case 1: View/ Create/ Edit an OU**(%%) == S1: To access the **Organization Unit page**,** **click

Release Notes

Last modified by Nga Nguyen on 2022/05/13 04:21
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Destination File Path does not have permission to access. [ExcelSetBorder] Wrong behavior when set property
file is set password protected sheet. [ExportChart]Export chart missing when name file excel has chart
characters. [ExcelApplicationScope] A loop opens Excel file in the background. Even though the workflow has
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]. * [ExcelCopySheet] Screen hangs when typing Destination File Path does not have permission to access
when excel file is set password protected sheet. * [ExportChart]Export chart missing when name file
than 200 characters. * [ExcelApplicationScope] A loop opens Excel file in the background. Even though

[1] Release Notes

Last modified by Nga Nguyen on 2022/05/13 03:20
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Destination File Path does not have permission to access. [ExcelSetBorder] Wrong behavior when set property
file is set password protected sheet. [ExportChart]Export chart missing when name file excel has chart
characters. [ExcelApplicationScope] A loop opens Excel file in the background. Even though the workflow has
Raw document content
]. * [ExcelCopySheet] Screen hangs when typing Destination File Path does not have permission to access
when excel file is set password protected sheet. * [ExportChart]Export chart missing when name file
than 200 characters. * [ExcelApplicationScope] A loop opens Excel file in the background. Even though

Center Installation Guide for Standalone Model on Redhat v9.x

Last modified by admin on 2024/05/03 16:27
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by this account instead of using Root account to prevent permission-related errors during execution. 1. Create
(WITHOUT /bin/java) 2. Create tomcat.service file sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service 3. Copy
Step 3: Configure ActiveMQ Service 1. Create configuration file: activemq.service sudo vi /etc
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/openlogic-openjdk-11-hotspot **(WITHOUT /bin/java)** 2. Create tomcat.service file sudo vi /etc/systemd
|(% style="width:192px" %)Database SID/Service Name Ex: Orcl 1.3. Permission requirement Your user account on akaBot Center machine to run installation needs to have **Run permission as Sudo**. == 1.4. Prepare

[5] Administration

Located in
Last modified by LongVA on 2023/07/04 14:21
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conditions: Assigned a previously created role (including 2 permissions: Administrator_resource
) The impact of permissions on the system is outlined in the following links: Roles List of Tableau accounts
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, users need to meet the following two conditions: * Assigned a previously created role (including 2 permissions: Administrator_resource & Dataset_resource) * Assigned an available Tableau account (including 3 types of accounts: Creator, Explorer & Viewer) The impact of permissions on the system is outlined

[2] Role Management

Last modified by admin on 2023/07/04 16:25
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akaBot incorporates a role and permission-based access-control framework. Roles are sets of permission, which means that the permissions required to access and control specific Center resources are assigned to roles. In other words, Users were not given permission to certain resources but will get
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="wikigeneratedid" id="H" %) akaBot incorporates a role and permission-based access-control framework. Roles are sets of permission, which means that the permissions required to access and control specific Center resources are assigned to roles. In other words, Users were not given permission to certain resources

[2] Roles

Last modified by LongVA on 2023/05/12 10:02
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Manage User Roles Insights supports 2 main permissions: ADMINISTRATOR_RESOURCE & DATASET_RESOURCE. From 2 basic permissions, users can be assigned different roles. The impact of permissions on the system is outlined in the following table: Permissions ADMINISTRATOR_RESOURCE DATASET_RESOURCE Assign
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** == Insights supports 2 main permissions: ADMINISTRATOR_RESOURCE & DATASET_RESOURCE. From 2 basic permissions, users can be assigned different roles. The impact of permissions on the system is outlined in the following table: |(% style="background-color:#f0f3f5" %)**Permissions**|(% style="background-color:#f0f3f5

[8] Data Service

Last modified by admin on 2023/10/06 16:06
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encountered when importing JSON files containing Vietnamese characters. Data is still being automatically created in the database even when the import process is unsuccessful. Improvements [Timezone] Previously
value. -> Now, an option to filter data by Null value has been added. [Permission Settings] Enhanced
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importing JSON files containing Vietnamese characters. * Data is still being automatically created
with a Null value. -> Now, an option to filter data by Null value has been added. * [Permission Settings] Enhanced the UX in the permission settings to streamline user interactions. * [Perfromance] Significant

Manage Access

Last modified by admin on 2023/08/25 11:04
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Permissions Below is a description of the Data Permissions. Permission Detailed description Create Can
Overview The Manage Access module allows overseeing permissions for a specific entity within Data Service. This comprehensive and detailed permission framework empowers you to seamlessly incorporate all
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== **Overview** == The Manage Access module allows overseeing permissions for a specific entity within Data Service. This comprehensive and detailed permission framework empowers you to seamlessly
or agents from your organization and assign relevant permissions to them. **Note:** By default


Last modified by admin on 2023/10/09 14:49
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execute permission: chmod +x After running the above commands, the script will copy files
will automatically create these schemas if they do not exist. You can manually create them if the automation process failed by following guidelines 4. Installation Process Download all files in latest releases version
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web service will automatically create these schemas if they do not exist. You can manually create them if the automation process failed by following guidelines {{code}} CREATE SCHEMA `akabot_dataservice` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin ; CREATE SCHEMA `akabot_userdata` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE
RSS feed for search on [create-file-permission]
Created by admin on 2022/04/17 14:38