Search: create-file-permission

Last modified by admin on 2022/04/24 04:58

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[1] User Management

Last modified by admin on 2023/07/04 16:21
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permission for each role will be explained in the Role Management section. b. Create/Edit a User To create
Center are contingent on the roles they have been designated. Users can be created in the Center
* ROLE_ROBOT A user can have more than one role. Details about permission for each role will be explained
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role. Details about permission for each role will be explained in Role Management. |7|Created date|The date when the user is created |8|Modified by|The last person who modified the user’s information |9
of akaBot Center are contingent on the roles they have been designated. Users can be created in the Center

[5] Queue

Last modified by admin on 2023/07/04 15:48
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can be processed in other systems - SAP or Salesforce, for instance. Queues enable you to create large automation projects underlined by complex logic. New queues created in akaBot Center are empty
to edit the details of each Transaction. Clone: allow users to create an identical Transaction. Delete
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. Queues enable you to create large automation projects underlined by complex logic. New queues created
to edit the details of each Transaction. Clone: allow users to create an identical Transaction. Delete
chose in the Unique Reference field when you created the queue. |4|Revision|This allows you to know

[4] Package

Last modified by admin on 2023/07/04 15:05
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Studio. Tool version The version of the installed Studio from which the Package published Created
The description that you created for your project. Release Note The note was added in the Studio for the respective Package version. Created by The User/Agent who created the Package on Center a. View a Package
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. | |Tool version|The version of the installed Studio from which the Package published | |Created Date
|The description that you created for your project. | |Release Note|The note was added in the Studio for the respective Package version. | |Created by|The User/Agent who created the Package on Center == **a. View

[5] Administration

Located in
Last modified by LongVA on 2023/07/04 14:21
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conditions: Assigned a previously created role (including 2 permissions: Administrator_resource
) The impact of permissions on the system is outlined in the following links: Roles List of Tableau accounts
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, users need to meet the following two conditions: * Assigned a previously created role (including 2 permissions: Administrator_resource & Dataset_resource) * Assigned an available Tableau account (including 3 types of accounts: Creator, Explorer & Viewer) The impact of permissions on the system is outlined

[1.00] akaBot Center

Last modified by admin on 2023/06/30 14:39
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not create a new schedule by clicking on a calendar in the productivity screen. 6. [Collaboration Center
be created even when there is no event. Updates 1. [Task] When a task is triggered to run by Desktop
message when creating a new task with multiple selected agent 3. [Process Design] When designing a long
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] Agents are not shown in the transaction table. 5. [Productivity] Can not create a new schedule
search partial numbers of the package version. 17. [Webhook] can still be created even when
creating a new task with multiple selected agent 3. [Process Design] When designing a long-running process

[3] How to use Desktop Trigger

Last modified by admin on 2023/06/03 08:48
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, to ensure that the system is running smoothly again 5 Trigger list List of created triggers by status, name, type, description Create a new trigger 1. Create a File trigger Step 1: At the home screen, click
will be shown as below: No Panel Description 1 Add new trigger Click here to create a new trigger 2 Edit
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of created triggers by status, name, type, description == **Create a new trigger** == === 1. Create a File
;" %)Description |1|(% style="width:264px" %)**Add new trigger**|(% style="width:816px" %)Click here to create
will be shown as below: [[image:image-20230421172542-2.png]] **Step 2**: Choose the **File trigger** option

[4] List of Tableau accounts

Last modified by LongVA on 2023/05/12 10:02
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manipulation. Tableau Creator: offers the highest level of access, allowing users to create new visualizations and dashboards, as well as perform more advanced data manipulation and analysis. Permissions Viewer Editor Creator View dashboards X X X Edit dashboards X X Delete dashboard (completely delete) X X Create
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the highest level of access, allowing users to create new visualizations and dashboards, as well as perform more advanced data manipulation and analysis. |(% style="background-color:#f0f3f5" %)**Permissions
(completely delete)| |X|X |Create and configure data source| | |X (% class="box warningmessage" id

[2] Roles

Last modified by LongVA on 2023/05/12 10:02
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Manage User Roles Insights supports 2 main permissions: ADMINISTRATOR_RESOURCE & DATASET_RESOURCE. From 2 basic permissions, users can be assigned different roles. The impact of permissions on the system is outlined in the following table: Permissions ADMINISTRATOR_RESOURCE DATASET_RESOURCE Assign
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** == Insights supports 2 main permissions: ADMINISTRATOR_RESOURCE & DATASET_RESOURCE. From 2 basic permissions, users can be assigned different roles. The impact of permissions on the system is outlined in the following table: |(% style="background-color:#f0f3f5" %)**Permissions**|(% style="background-color:#f0f3f5

[1] Introduction

Last modified by admin on 2023/04/28 22:41
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akaBot Activities are the building blocks used in akaBot Studio and are designed to help you create
multiple activities, connected to each other, to create the entire puzzle represented by the workflow
, activities related to manipulating .xlsx or .csv files are organized under the akaBot.Excel.Activities
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you create a clear and smooth automation process. An activity can be defined as a piece of a puzzle. You need multiple activities, connected to each other, to create the entire puzzle represented
. For example, activities related to manipulating .xlsx or .csv files are organized under

Custom Activity

Located in
Last modified by admin on 2023/04/27 18:24
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nuget.exe file is placed). Open created .nuspec file, remove all example data and input at least Author
activities. This topic demonstrates how to create an activity. There are two steps required to create
. You should see no error and there is an assembly file RCA.Activities.Demo.dll in build output
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%** is the directory where **nuget.exe** file is placed). * Open created **.nuspec** file, remove all example data
demonstrates how to create an activity. **There are two steps required to create a custom activity:** 1
see no error and there is an assembly file RCA.Activities.Demo.dll in build output directory
RSS feed for search on [create-file-permission]
Created by admin on 2022/04/17 14:38