Search: create-file-permission

Last modified by admin on 2022/04/24 04:58

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[2] How to use akaBot Studio

Last modified by VuNH54 on 2023/04/13 15:54
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base, generating the PDF files, sending emails… This document aims to guide you how to use the akaBot
allows you to easily access to specific functionalities as below: # Panel Description 1 File Display the functionalities which you can use to operate on the file. 2 Home Display the functionalities which you can use
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on web, on desktop, working with data base, generating the PDF files, sending emails… This document aims
: |=#|=Panel|=Description |1|File|Display the functionalities which you can use to operate on the file. |2|Home
:16px" %)**I. File Panel**(%%) ==== To access the File panel, click File at the top left corner

[2] Privacy Policy

Last modified by admin on 2024/01/16 13:36
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the Customer's permission before using the Customer's Personal Data for any purpose other than the purposes
for the information, data and consents that they create and provide in the network environment; self-responsible
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the Customer's permission before using the Customer's Personal Data for any purpose other than the purposes
for the information, data and consents that they create and provide in the network environment; self-responsible

[2] Role Management

Last modified by admin on 2023/07/04 16:25
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akaBot incorporates a role and permission-based access-control framework. Roles are sets of permission, which means that the permissions required to access and control specific Center resources are assigned to roles. In other words, Users were not given permission to certain resources but will get
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="wikigeneratedid" id="H" %) akaBot incorporates a role and permission-based access-control framework. Roles are sets of permission, which means that the permissions required to access and control specific Center resources are assigned to roles. In other words, Users were not given permission to certain resources

[2] Roles

Last modified by LongVA on 2023/05/12 10:02
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Manage User Roles Insights supports 2 main permissions: ADMINISTRATOR_RESOURCE & DATASET_RESOURCE. From 2 basic permissions, users can be assigned different roles. The impact of permissions on the system is outlined in the following table: Permissions ADMINISTRATOR_RESOURCE DATASET_RESOURCE Assign
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** == Insights supports 2 main permissions: ADMINISTRATOR_RESOURCE & DATASET_RESOURCE. From 2 basic permissions, users can be assigned different roles. The impact of permissions on the system is outlined in the following table: |(% style="background-color:#f0f3f5" %)**Permissions**|(% style="background-color:#f0f3f5

[2] Salesforce authentication

Last modified by admin on 2023/11/02 11:32
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Prerequisites To be able to create a connection, you need to have: a Username - the username
-Authentication To create a connection using Multi-Authentication, you can choose between OAuth 2.0 Authorization
. Enter the required information and click Connect. Add the Salesforce connection To create a connection
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** == ((( To be able to create a connection, you need to have: * a **Username** - the username shared
-Authentication** == To create a connection using Multi-Authentication, you can choose between OAuth 2.0
the Salesforce connection** == To create a connection to your Salesforce instance, you need to perform

[2]Install/Create an SSL/TLS Certificate for Center

Last modified by Nhan Nguyen on 2022/05/13 07:12
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Create an SSL/TLS Certificate for Server What You’ll Need Your server certificate (.crt) Your private key (.key) => Should receive it by the provider. 1. Convert your certificate files
below OpenSSL command. Note: Kindly copy the certificate files to the same folder of OpenSSL 2
[2]Install/Create an SSL/TLS Certificate for Center
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(% class="akb-page-with-toc" %) ((( (% class="akb-page-content" %) ((( == **Create an SSL/TLS
it by the provider. ((( === **1. Convert your certificate files from PEM (.cer or .crt) to PKCS#12 (.p12) Format
infomessage" %) ((( Note: Kindly copy the certificate files to the same folder of OpenSSL

[3] How to use Desktop Trigger

Last modified by admin on 2023/06/03 08:48
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, to ensure that the system is running smoothly again 5 Trigger list List of created triggers by status, name, type, description Create a new trigger 1. Create a File trigger Step 1: At the home screen, click
will be shown as below: No Panel Description 1 Add new trigger Click here to create a new trigger 2 Edit
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of created triggers by status, name, type, description == **Create a new trigger** == === 1. Create a File
;" %)Description |1|(% style="width:264px" %)**Add new trigger**|(% style="width:816px" %)Click here to create
will be shown as below: [[image:image-20230421172542-2.png]] **Step 2**: Choose the **File trigger** option

[3]Auto-Login Setup & Troubleshooting

Last modified by Nhan Nguyen on 2022/05/13 07:13
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Introduction This document is created based on the features of akaBot Platform v2.0.5.5
fPromptForPassword REG_DWORD 0 (or not exist) Files Make sure the following files are in the right directory. File
installer version Logs Check the following log files. File name Target directory Descriptions msiexec.log
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** == * This document is created based on the features of akaBot Platform v2.0.5.5 + and akaBot Center v2.0.4.0
|fPromptForPassword|REG_DWORD|0 (or not exist) **Files** Make sure the following files are in the right directory. |=File name|=Target directory|=Version |akaBotCredentialProvider.dll|C:\Windows\System32

[4] API resources

Last modified by admin on 2023/09/06 09:47
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. 1. GetRolePermisson Get Resources permission collections. Supported methods: Get Parameters Name
form-data File multipart/form-data environmentIds form-data Array[long] application/json Response
, Abandoned, Retried, Deleted, Expired) Status of queue item, support filter multi value From DateTime Create
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. GetRolePermisson**(%%) == Get Resources permission collections. Supported methods: Get Parameters |Name|Type
|Parameter Type|Type|Content Type |package|form-data|File|multipart/form-data |environmentIds|form-data|Array
, support filter multi value |From|DateTime|Create date |To|DateTime|Create date |Top|Int|Limit item return

[4] List of Tableau accounts

Last modified by LongVA on 2023/05/12 10:02
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manipulation. Tableau Creator: offers the highest level of access, allowing users to create new visualizations and dashboards, as well as perform more advanced data manipulation and analysis. Permissions Viewer Editor Creator View dashboards X X X Edit dashboards X X Delete dashboard (completely delete) X X Create
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the highest level of access, allowing users to create new visualizations and dashboards, as well as perform more advanced data manipulation and analysis. |(% style="background-color:#f0f3f5" %)**Permissions
(completely delete)| |X|X |Create and configure data source| | |X (% class="box warningmessage" id
RSS feed for search on [create-file-permission]
Created by admin on 2022/04/17 14:38